FantasyCast Pod

FantasyCast Pod is THE premier erotica/fantasy/comedy podcast on the internet. Three grown men, with varying mental/medical health issues, dive deep into their sexual subconscious to deliver high-end erotic content directly to your erogenous zones. Let’s be clear: This is not your mommy and daddy’s erotica podcast. We are not afraid to challenge boundaries, push definitions and rocket your libidinal imagination into the 5th dimension of existence. Raw. Powerful. Life-changing. Are you ready? We are.

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036 - Brothers in Harms

Friday Jan 12, 2024

Friday Jan 12, 2024

Have you ever wanted a smaller friend that you could beat the shit out of, consequence free? In this episode, we talk about a special friendship that embraces physical and emotional abuse. Plus, the thin line between being clumsy and deeply, deeply sexually provocative. 

035 - Chasing the Whale’s Tail

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024

Wrap your mind around this: a universe when no one can contain you. Ultimate power. No limits. Wholesale control over everyone and everything. Are you with me? Good. Now imagine this: a whole ecosystem devoted to providing you libidinal pleasure on your days off. Still with me? Good. You are now ready to listen to this episode.
Landlord and the Brat
Ornaments and Orgies
Whale Tail No. 2 

034 - Sexual Altruism

Friday Dec 15, 2023

Friday Dec 15, 2023

What does it mean to sexually heal someone? From the people who have sex with soldiers on the front lines, to the brave civil servants who have sex with our veterans when they return stateside. What does it mean to soothe the soul of another person through sexual contact? Also on this episode, high speed sexual pursuit, slap-happy Santa and the Sixth Sensual.

033 - The Man With One Eye

Saturday Dec 09, 2023

Saturday Dec 09, 2023

This episode we talk about what it means to push yourself towards greatness. To excel to the top of your field. Are you willing to put it all on the line? We explore the sexual discipline... and rewards, that come with that sacrifice. 

032 - SnuggleTown

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

This episode we read a piece of Reddit erotica and give the author feedback. We also talk about other sexy stuff, like a chain of off-highway establishments where you could pay hourly to have someone snuggle with you. Nothing sexual. Just a bed or a couch, a TV, a blanket and someone clean to snuggle with. You could order food to the room. The wings would be really good, hand battered. Each room is heavily monitored to prevent funny business, and each worker would have a panic button. If you tried anything weird, a team of bikers would drag you into a tile room and brutally beat you. Photographs of the beaten violators would be displayed in the lobby as an example. The chain would be called SnuggleTown.

Sunday Nov 26, 2023

In this episode, our sexual fantasies are focused on the human connection and how we all come together. For example, lets say you invite someone over to your home, they bring a friend, they bring two friends, before you know it your entire HOME is filled with new friends! Break out the wine, cook up some pão de queijo, and let the good vibrations settle in. If you want to make it a sex thing, that's cool, but you don't have to. In OUR fantasies we do, and that's what you're about to listen to. 

030 - Haters Eat For Free

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

This episode we fantasize about a sexually charged bar and grill where haters eat for free. We also touch on the US carceral system, fantasizing about how to fuck your way into a mistrial and the power of sexual fantasies for men in prison. Finally, we kick around a few violent fantasies about a famous podcast host. 

029 - Prophecy of the Pung

Monday Oct 02, 2023

Monday Oct 02, 2023

This episode we talked about the men's retreat Prophecy of the Pung. Look out for the early-spring event in San Diego, tickets will sell out quickly! We also touched on the sexual nature of tattoo culture and rock'n'roll sexual heroism. 

Monday Sep 25, 2023

Have you ever driven your sexually-active-pleasure-partner completely mad? In this episode we delve into the fantasy realm of what it would take to be driven ABSOLUTELY INSANE by your sexual partner.
PS if you are on Reddit and can't show even the SMALLEST bit of respect, please stop posting on our shit. We are all presumably adults. Get it together. 

027 - Erotic Fantasy: SHOWHOLE

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

This episode we drift down into the deepest, darkest holes on earth. Places no human should ever venture, unless they want to get lost... Have you even been beaten to within an inch of your life by your desire to show hole? No? Then come on in.

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