FantasyCast Pod
FantasyCast Pod is THE premier erotica/fantasy/comedy podcast on the internet. Three grown men, with varying mental/medical health issues, dive deep into their sexual subconscious to deliver high-end erotic content directly to your erogenous zones. Let’s be clear: This is not your mommy and daddy’s erotica podcast. We are not afraid to challenge boundaries, push definitions and rocket your libidinal imagination into the 5th dimension of existence. Raw. Powerful. Life-changing. Are you ready? We are.

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Season 2 is upon us! We're back from summer break, so please stop spamming our inbox asking about the new season. In this episode we talk about the raw, uncut libidinal energy that pulses through the beach life and how it makes waves in our sexual fantasies.

Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Have you ever looked someone in the eye and lied to them? I bet you have. We don't judge you. Leave all your dirty laundry with us. We won't tell.
In this episode we peel back our foreskin and expose sexual lies through elaborate erotic fantasies that are 100% guaranteed to excite you.

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
In this episode we fantasize about torturing different celebrities: BJ Novak - Jimmy Fallon - Rosamund Pike - James Corden. We don't actually want to torture these celebrities, its satire. Performance art. Theater. Fantasy. Don't try to get us kicked off of social media. We had a fantasy about rough sex with Huey Lewis and a bunch of you snitched and got us kicked off of Reddit. This is satire. Not real. Playful.

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Power. Control. Influence. Domination. Power. Power. Power.
This episode we construct elaborate sexual fantasies about enacting power over others. Much like you, the person reading this description, we hold little to no power in our day-to-day lives. Any power we do have is wielded to bring joy/pain to those closest to us. Therefor, the power play fantasy is particularly joyful and arousing.

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Ever been taken by a fast lover? Ever been betrayed by a fake friend? Ever had your face caved in by your relatives at a family function? We have, and that's what makes OUR erotic fantasies better, and more worthwhile, than anything YOU could ever come up with. WE LIVE THIS SHIT. You just scribble about it in your notepad, witness it from your folks pad. Enjoy!

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Fear. Rage. Instinct. What do they all have in common? All are deeply rooted in PRIMAL. What is sexual expression if not PRIMAL? This episode we get wet and gooey with PRIMAL fantasies that cut deep into our most base animal instincts.

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Are your sexual fantasies not quite getting your friends and family off? Maybe they lack a certain robustness? This episode the boys dip into the ever-growing vault of listener emails. We give you, the listener, tips and tricks for how to get the most out of your sexual fantasies.

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Listen up you sci-fi sex fiends! Stop with the emails already, you got what you wanted! Step into your favorite cosplay getup and strap on your Doctor Who-themed silicone-based penis substitute, because the boys are back to fluff your fantasy-hole with deep science fiction erotica. Only this time, we brought in a hitter from out-of-state to vaporize your mind-shaft, former The Atlantic and Chicago Sun Times contributor POV Paul!

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Hello 2023! We ring in the new year with some especially sultry tales of penetration and subjugation. Welcome to all our new listeners across the globe! Please keep listening to our podcast. We don't have anything else keeping us going in life. All our money was wrapped up in crypto and now we're broke. All we have is these perverted sexual fantasies to keep our spirits afloat. This brutal dog-eat-dog world may have broken us, but it will never take our fantasies.

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
This week we uncover a long-lost episode that slid it's way into the dungeons of fantasy land. Blame as to who lost this file resulted in a fist fight and prolonged, pervasive emotional abuse. Nevertheless, its here! We talk about lustful overtures, horny souls seeking to redeem themselves through the long lost art of the romantic gesture.